Appliances & Equipment
Auto Garage Open, Dishwasher, Disposal, Dryer, Freezer, Ice Maker, Microwave, Range - Electric, Refrigerator, Washer, Water Heater - Elec
2,145 total living square feet, 2,612 total square feet, 30 units in complex, Built in 2008, 7 units in building, Year built description: Resale, Square footage source: Tax Rolls, CBS, Mediterranean, Multi-Level, Townhouse, Laundry-Inside, Multi-Level
Dining Room
Breakfast Area, Dining/Kitchen, Eat-In Kitchen
Exterior Features
Awnings, Open Balcony
Home Owner's Association
HOA fee per month: $774, Homeowners association: Mandatory
Interior Features
Furniture Negotiable, Unfurnished, French Door, Upstairs Living Area, Volume Ceiling, Walk-in Closet
1,170 lot square feet, < 1/4 Acre, East of US-1, Sidewalks
Primary Bedroom
Dual Sinks, Mstr Bdrm - Upstairs, Separate Shower, Separate Tub
Business name: Yes, Electric Available, Up to 30 Ft Boat, Water Available
Zoning: IPUD(c, Waterfront: Yes, Development name: Estancia Boynton Beach, Canal, Intracoastal, Canal Width 1 - 80, Interior Canal, Intracoastal, No Fixed Bridges, Ocean Access
Security Features
Gate - Unmanned
Taxes: $17,804, Tax year: 2024, City/County
Public Sewer, Public Water
Windows & Doors
Awning, Hurricane Windows, Impact Glass