Appliances & Equipment
Auto Garage Open, Cooktop, Dishwasher, Dryer, Generator Hookup, Microwave, Refrigerator, Storm Shutters, Wall Oven, Washer, Water Heater - Elec, Water Softener-Owned
2,348 total living square feet, 8,977 total square feet, Built in 2000, Year built description: Resale, Square footage source: Tax Rolls, Block, CBS, Concrete, Multi-Level, Attic, Family, Laundry-Garage, Util-Garage, Workshop
Ceiling Fan, Central, Electric
Dining Room
Breakfast Area, Dining-Living, Dining/Kitchen
Exterior Features
Extra Building, Fence, Room for Pool, Shutters, Utility Barn, Wrap-Around Balcony
Home Owner's Association
Homeowners association: None
Interior Features
Unfurnished, Fireplace(s), Second/Third Floor Concrete, Split Bedroom, Upstairs Living Area, Volume Ceiling, Walk-in Closet
1,692,742 lot square feet, 25 to < 50 Acres, Dirt Road, West of US-1
Primary Bedroom
Dual Sinks, Mstr Bdrm - Sitting, Separate Shower, Separate Tub
Business name: Yes, Private Dock
2+ Spaces, Driveway, Garage - Attached, RV/Boat, Unpaved
Zoning: AG-5Co, Waterfront: Yes, Water frontage: .75 acre, Garden, Pond, Pond
Security Features
Gate - Unmanned
Taxes: $3,961, Tax year: 2024, Agricultural Exempt, Homestead