Appliances & Equipment
Auto Garage Open, Dishwasher, Dryer, Freezer, Generator Whle House, Ice Maker, Range - Gas, Refrigerator, Washer
7,819 total living square feet, 10,257 total square feet, Built in 2021, Year built description: Resale, Square footage source: Developer, CBS, < 4 Floors, Contemporary, Cabana Bath, Den/Office, Family, Laundry-Inside, On Golf Course
Dining Room
Breakfast Area, Formal
Exterior Features
Auto Sprinkler, Covered Patio, Summer Kitchen
Home Owner's Association
HOA fee per month: $316, Homeowners association: Mandatory
Interior Features
Unfurnished, Bar, Built-in Shelves, Elevator, Entry Lvl Lvng Area, Foyer, Kitchen Island, Pantry, Second/Third Floor Concrete, Volume Ceiling, Walk-in Closet, Wet Bar
Lot dimensions: 100'x140'x100'x140', 14,000 lot square feet, 1/4 to 1/2 Acre, East of US-1, Golf Front
Primary Bedroom
Dual Sinks, Mstr Bdrm - Ground, Separate Tub
Business name: No
2+ Spaces, Driveway, Garage - Attached, Golf Cart
Zoning: R1A(ci, Waterfront: No, Garden, Golf, Pool, None
Security Features
Security Patrol
Taxes: $243,273, Tax year: 2024, City/County
Gas Natural, Public Sewer, Public Water, Underground