Appliances & Equipment
Auto Garage Open, Cooktop, Dishwasher, Disposal, Freezer, Microwave, Refrigerator, Washer, Water Heater - Elec
2,821 total living square feet, 3,393 total square feet, Built in 1982, Year built description: Resale, Square footage source: Appraisal, CBS, Convertible Bedroom, Den/Office, Family, Laundry-Inside, Storage
Dining Room
Dining-Living, Snack Bar
Exterior Features
Built-in Grill, Fence, Open Patio, Summer Kitchen
Home Owner's Association
HOA fee per month: $1,394, Homeowners association: Mandatory
Interior Features
Unfurnished, Built-in Shelves, Closet Cabinets, Ctdrl/Vault Ceilings, Fireplace(s), Kitchen Island, Sky Light(s), Walk-in Closet, Wet Bar
< 1/4 Acre, East of US-1
Primary Bedroom
Dual Sinks, Mstr Bdrm - Ground, Separate Shower, Separate Tub
Business name: Yes, Electric Available, Private Dock, Up to 60 Ft Boat, Water Available
Drive - Decorative, Garage - Attached, Vehicle Restrictions
Zoning: RSF, Waterfront: Yes, Interior Canal, Navigable, No Fixed Bridges, Ocean Access, Seawall
Security Features
Entry Card, Gate - Unmanned
Taxes: $22,789, Tax year: 2024, City/County, No Homestead